SHE was 80 YEARS old with NO GRAY HAIR! The secret is in THIS BEVERAGE


Detoxifying your body of toxins every now and then is crucial for proper body function and wheatgrass is one of the most powerful detoxifiers.

Wheatgrass healing properties have been valued since ancient times. It has a similar effect to pure solar energy, with only 7.5g packing the same nutritional value as 175g carrots, lettuce or celery.

Today, probably more than ever, body cleansing has become an imperative due to great exposure to stress, polluted environment, harmful radiation and unhealthy eating habits.

If you’ve been feeling under the weather, or find it hard to focus, wheatgrass body cleansing may be just what you need. Wheatgrass will help you restore your energy and enhance your overall health.

SHE was 80 YEARS old with NO GRAY HAIR! The secret is in THIS BEVERAGE

These are the most common signs that indicate a need for detoxification:

  • Headache
  • Allergy
  • Skin problems
  • Unpleasant body odor
  • Indigestion
  • Flatulence and gases
  • Excessive weight gain or weight loss
  • Constipation
  • Fatigue, poor concentration, poor memory
  • Depression
  • Premature aging

Wheatgrass benefits

Wheat grass contains over 100 elements important for humans, including essential fatty acids, important enzymes and antioxidants.

One of its most important elements is chlorophyll, which accounts for about 70% of wheatgrass composition. Chlorophyll is important for getting the toxins and heavy metals out of the body. Plus, wheatgrass contains the vitamins A, B, B17, C, E, F, K as well as the minerals potassium, iron, magnesium and calcium.

Wheat grass increases the number of red blood cells, cleanses your blood and other organs and stimulates your metabolism. Due to its high chlorophyll content, it enriches the blood with oxygen. Moreover, it effectively cleanses your liver and neutralizes toxins in the body. It stimulates your thyroid gland and reduces acidity in the body.

Wheatgrass juice returns the color of grey hair

Regular consumption of fresh wheat grass juice provides many advantages, one of which is slowing grey hair growth and restoring natural hair color.

The first person to promote drinking juice of young green cereals was Dr. Ann Wigmore. She studied the healing properties of wheatgrass juice in detail developing and describing fully the process of growing wheatgrass in shallow containers at home or elsewhere. She even came up with and inexpensive wheatgrass juicer in order to make this elixir of life available to everyone.

At 82 Dr. Wigmore did not have any gray hair! It was so incredible that her students asked for a permission to examine her hair in the laboratory. The results showed that it was her natural color!

Wheatgrass juice is also an excellent blood cleanser and helps in skin regeneration.

Due to its high content of chlorophyll, amino acids, minerals, vitamins and enzymes, wheatgrass provides a wide range of both health and medicinal benefits.

It’s recommended to start with 30ml juice per day, gradually increasing it to 30ml twice a day.

Here’s how to grow wheat grass:

  • Soak the wheat seeds for 8-12 hours.
  • Leave the seeds in a glass jar rinsing them three times during the next 24 hours.
  • When they start sprouting, plant the seeds in a separate jar filled 2/3 with soil.
  • Water the planted wheat and cover the jar during the first three days, so as to prevent drying. During these days water the wheat well in the morning and sprinkle it with water in the evening.
  • Uncover the jar on the fourth day leaving the seeds in indirect sunlight.
  • The ideal temperature for wheat growth and for avoiding mold is 21 to 26 degrees. If mold appears, plant new wheat grass.
  • You can harvest wheatgrass when it grows about 20 centimeters. Bring the wheatgrass in the sun two days before cutting so as to stimulate the synthesis of chlorophyll.
  • For the next planting, use new seeds and new soil.
  • You can extract the juice of wheat grass using a juicer or a blender with a little water added.
