After she was diagnosed with final stage lung cancer and the doctors said it cannot be cured, her daughter found a way to purchase cannabis oil. She decided to help her mother after the oncologist said that she had only six months to live. In 3 months only she succeeded in defeating 4 stage lung cancer after which she bravely posted a video on You Tube and explained how she was cured.
She lives in Australia in comfortable middle- class family. Cannabis is illegal in Australia. At the beginning of 2014 doctors discovered that she had a small cell of lung cancer after several attempts to get a biopsy on masses which were discovered by scans previously. The oncologist advised her not to undergo radiation because it was not recommendable in such cases as well as chemo which would only prolong her life for a couple of months but it would be life filled with suffering. After this devastating news her husband and she searched the net and found cannabis groups, mostly from America. She learned where to find cannabis and how to make and use cannabis oil. She also found that the oil should be rich in THC in order to act against cancer and that she had to use 1gram per day. But the psychotropic aspects of THC had strong impact on her and that is why she never used 1 gram per day. Instead they prepared a mixture with 0.5 g coconut oil and 0.5 g of cannabis oil into a syringe and she inserted the mixture rectally 2 times a day. In this way she received the full amount of cannabis oil required without the psychotropic effects of oral usage or smoking cannabis.
This method is really beneficial when it comes to lung cancer. Essential oils which are absorbed in the abdominal veins avoid the liver and go directly in the heart- lung circulatory system , without being exposed to liver detox enzyme system. After that they end up in the lower bronchial capillaries in their original lipophilic and volatile state and are still able to eliminate pathogenic microorganisms and dissolving and removing mucus.
The original Rick Simpson Oil is prepared with a pound of hemp and naphtha, a toxic solvent which is extremely flammable, but smaller quantities of bud (1 oz.) with 190 proof grain alcohol (95% by volume) can be used for producing pure cannabis oil. It is proven to be safe, and requires less of this miracle plant. Watch the video which explains everything.