This is How Your Blood Type Affects Your Diet Plus What To Eat To Help It


This is How Your Blood Type Affects Your Diet Plus What To Eat To Help It

Modern diets change like the seasons. But in cases when people should pay attention to what they consume for more than a year than a little more investigation is required.

For the first this diet was published in 1996, in the book by Peter J. D’Adamo, ND, Eat Right 4 Your Type: The Individualized Diet Solution for Staying Healthy, Living Longer & Achieving Your Ideal Weight (Putnam, 1996) . Even after 14 years after it was published this book is still best-selling book about diet on Amazon. But the question is how efficient this diet based on ABO blood type can be?

This is How Your Blood Type Affects Your Diet Plus What To Eat To Help It

A story

In this text you can read about one man’s story and his diet. While he was growing up he didn’t consume meat unlike other kids who used to enjoy in hot dogs and hamburgers. He usually consumed whole-wheat PB&J sandwiches and tofu stir-fries. He was vegetarian which made him different and special.

When he was older avoiding meat was the way he lived as well as an act of conscience. He became vegan during collage and stopped consuming dairy products and eggs replacing them with nuts, oils, beans, grains, seeds and fresh produce. The strange thing was that beside the fact his mind and heart were feeling great his overall body health was not so good. He started to suffer from debilitating hip pain and an aggressive hand rash, as well as from congestion, dandruff and dry skin. Little pimples appeared between his fingers and they were annoyingly itchy and together with his painful hip he couldn’t get good night sleep.

So he started looking for doctors’ opinions. At the beginning a dermatologist concluded that he was suffering from contact dermatitis and prescribed him steroid creams. But he didn’t like the solutions so he stated to investigate why did he have these symptoms.

The next doctor was naturopath who told him that he had candida- excess amount of fungus in intestines so he was recommended to avoid pickled, fermented, yeasty and sugary foods. He didn’t follow this doctor advice as well, although after eating a small piece of cake he felt extremely bad.

At the end he contacted a chiropractor and cofounder of the Diamondback Wellness Center in Albuquerque, New Mexico- Gina T. Ogorzaly. And her first question was about his blood type.

 “O positive,” he said, a little bit confused. “Why do you ask?”

After she received the answer she gave him particular eating charts for O-blood type. It was divided in 3 categories: highly beneficial, neutral, and avoid.

 “Restrict yourself as much as possible to red meat and vegetables,” said. Ogorzaly “Stay away from grains, especially wheat. You’re Type O. You’re a hunter.”

He was astonished, he couldn’t believe that he should consume meat that he was a hunter and all because he is O- blood type. He was against eating meat; he was a vegetarian he even thought that it was better to suffer than lose his identity.

But he finely decided that he must try because his body was suffering and he wanted to heal it. So he started eating like an O.

Blood Type Diet explained

“Which diet is the right diet?” asks D’Adamo. “The truth is, we can no more choose the right diet than we can choose our hair color or gender. It was already chosen for us many thousands of years ago.”

D’Adamo claims that if people want to stay healthy and avoid obesity the ABO diet is the most beneficial one. Her recommendation which is opposite to universal diets and the USDA Food Pyramid, is that people with O-blood will be healthier if they consume meat, especially red meat and cold-water fish—poultry as well as different kind of seafood but goose and pork should be avoid. Type B are omnivores (and the best able to digest dairy products), Type As should be vegetarians and Type ABs something between.

 “In the conventional world, nutrition is broken down into macronutrients, fiber, calories, and percentages of fat and protein, and I think that’s one way of looking at food as fuel,” D’Adamo says. “But it is not so simple. Every food has negative and positive sides which depend on its biological processes and reactivity s it could improve or worsen your health.

Reactivity is connected with antibodies in the blood and how that they react differently on various foods. Specific antibodies are linked with certain blood type and their function is to protect the body from germs and foreign-invader blood cells but sometimes they can attack lectins- food proteins. So when you consume lectins which are attacked by the antibodies in your blood, like those found in O-blood type, the proteins can cause chaos in your digestive system. Type O contains more stomach acid- suitable for digesting animal proteins while type A has less stomach acid and is suitable for digesting fruits and vegetables.

Anthropology can offer some answers. D’Adamo’s book, Type O, “the Hunter,” explains that this blood type is the oldest and dates from Cro-Magnon people who used to eat big animals. After this blood type, the A type “the Cultivator,” developed when people started living more inactive, agricultural lifestyle. . Type B, “the Nomad,” when people started to settle on one place and building homes. Type AB, “the Enigma developed as a result of combining of previous two types within the last thousand years.

New, carnivorous ways

The previous mentioned person started consuming meat as his ancestors and he started feeling good. He switched from consuming avocado, coconut, peanuts, beans, lentils, wheat to consuming venison, tackle beef and bison as well as other foods appropriate for his blood type as: chard, artichokes, walnuts and adzuki beans.

At the end he surprised his friends with filling his fridge with 25 pounds of Colorado-raised, grass-fed beef. This experience was shocking and new. He didn’t know how to prepare meat so he made a lot of mistakes as defrosted, trimmed, spiced, and cooked it in a wrong way. But he didn’t suffer from nausea anymore and he didn’t feel disgusted from cleaning the sticky meat or holding it and cutting it. He even felt as his ancestors were butchers or as it was in his blood.

He felt better as he changed his eating habits: more energetic and healthy. He was extremely happy when his hand rash was gone. His hip pain which he thought was due to stress was gone as well and he could sleep at night. After trying to eat with his mind he started listening to his body and felt the benefits.

You and the diet

The question is whether this diet is the answer for all health problems? Probably not –is the answer. D’Adamo informs us about a statistic in which three out of four patients have improved their health when started consuming food according to their blood type but the people who were not treated with conventional medicine and who didn’t follow quickly diets were the ones who benefit the most.

“If you’re a bread-eating Type O and you’re happy with your state of health and life is wonderful, you shouldn’t even be in the nutrition aisle in the bookstore,” says D’Adamo. “I write books for people for whom those other things don’t work.”

As I needed another opinion, asked Beth Reardon, RD, director of integrative nutrition at Duke Integrative Medicine. When I asked about diet’s claim of a 75 percent success rate athough Reardon doesn’t use the BTD in her practice, , she answered, “Given the current eating patterns of the majority of Americans, I think most would benefit. The numbers can probably be interpreted several ways. Are they reflective of the Blood Type Diet or rather a move to overall healthier eating, with more whole foods?”


Although it is not recognized BTD diet should be tried. Sometimes when the above mentioned patient stops following the eating rules for a while his symptoms return- head itching, mucus secretion and hand rash.

It is permitted to break the rules, and D’Adamo permits to be flexible: “Rigidity is the enemy of joy—I certainly am not a proponent of it. The Blood Type Diet is designed to make you feel great, not miserable and deprived. Obviously, there are going to be times when common sense tells you to relax the rules a bit, like when you’re eating at a relative’s house.”

And her patient agrees as well. But when he cooks at home he tries to eat like his ancestors -hunters did, according to his blood type.

What to Eat If You’re…

Type O

Eat this: Beef, lamb, venison, salmon, bluefish, cod, sardines, walnuts, pumpkinseeds, adzuki and pinto beans, chard, spinach, kale, artichokes, broccoli, turnips, plums, prunes, figs.

Not this: Pork, goose, caviar, lox, octopus, cheese, kidney beans, navy beans, lentils, cashews, peanuts, pistachios, white flour, wheat, avocado, eggplant, corn, potatoes, cabbage, blackberries, coconut, oranges, strawberries.

Type A

Eat this: Salmon, cod, sardines, soy milk, peanuts, pumpkinseeds, lentils, black beans, oats, rice, rye flour, artichokes, carrots, onions, pumpkin, tofu, spinach, apricots, blueberries, cranberries, cherries, pineapple.

Not this: Red meat, pork, goose, duck, bison, pheasant, cheese, Brazil nuts, cashews, pistachios, lima beans, kidney beans, garbanzos, white flour, wheat, cabbage, eggplant, peppers, potatoes, yams, bananas, coconuts, cantaloupe, oranges.

Type B

Eat this: Lamb, rabbit, venison, cod, flounder, mahimahi, halibut, feta, cottage cheese, kidney beans, navy beans, millet, rice bran, oats, rice flour, beets, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, eggplant, peppers, yams, bananas, cranberries, grapes, pineapple, plums.

Not this: Pork, chicken, duck, quail, clams, crab, lobster, sea bass, blue cheese, ice cream, cashews, peanuts, pistachios, sesame seeds, lentils, black beans, garbanzos, amaranth, wild rice, cornmeal, wheat, rye, artichokes, avocado, corn, olives, pumpkin, tofu, tomatoes, coconuts, pomegranates, rhubarb.

Type AB

Eat this: Lamb, rabbit, turkey, tuna, trout, mahimahi, cod, sardines, mozzarella, ricotta, feta, cottage cheese, peanuts, walnuts, green lentils, navy beans, millet, rice, oats, wheat flour, beets, broccoli, kale, alfalfa sprouts, eggplant, yams, tofu, cherries, grapes, cranberries, lemons, kiwi, grapefruit.

Not this: Beef, pork, chicken, duck, goose, clams, crab, flounder, haddock, lobster, butter, ice cream, parmesan, provolone, blue cheese, seeds, adzuki beans, black beans, kidney beans, buckwheat, cornmeal, artichokes, corn, avocados, peppers, radishes, bananas, coconuts, oranges.

[Type A] Spicy Curried Tofu With Apricots and Almonds

Serves 4 to 6

  • Spicy Curry Marinade
  • 2 tablespoons tamari sauce
  • 1 tablespoon fresh lemon or lime juice
  • 1 tablespoon chopped fresh parsley or cilantro
  • 1 tablespoon chopped fresh chives
  • 1 tablespoon turbinado sugar
  • 2 teaspoons curry powder
  • 1 teaspoon black sesame seeds
  • 1 cake firm tofu, drained and cut into squares


  • 3 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 small onion or 3 scallions, sliced
  • 3 carrots, sliced on an angle
  • 2 cloves garlic, peeled and chopped
  • 1/2 cup sliced dried apricots
  • 1/3 cup sliced almonds

Make a combination from marinade ingredients in a medium bowl and then add the tofu cubes, tossing lightly until they are coated. Marinate 1 hour or longer.

Heat oil in a pan at medium-high heat. Then add onion or scallions, and cook for 3 minutes.

Add carrots and garlic, and cook for2 minutes, be careful not to burn the garlic.

Them the tofu should be drained from the marinade.

Cook the tofu in a heated pan. And then add apricots and almonds. Cook for 3 more minutes. Serve over white basmati rice.

nutrition info per serving (4): 292 calories; 19 g fat; 2 g saturated fat; 0 mg cholesterol; 15 g protein; 22 g carbohydrates; 3 g fiber; 506 mg sodium

[Type B] Lima Beans With Goat Cheese and Scallions

Serves 4

  • 1 package frozen baby limas or
  • 2 cups fresh lima beans
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 2 scallions, thinly sliced
  • 2 cloves garlic, crushed and peeled
  • 4 ounces goat cheese
  • 3 tablespoons fresh parsley, minced
  • Salad dressing of choice

Place lima beans in a serving bowl

In a pan, heat oil at medium or high heat. Add scallions, and cook 1 to 2 minutes

Add garlic and cook it until it slightly changes its color and then add scallions and garlic to lima beans. Remove from heat.

Toss them gently after you pour 2 to 3 tablespoons of salad dressing over the bean mixture. Grind goat cheese on top, and decorate it with parsley. This dish should be served on room temperature.

nutrition info per serving (using 2 tablespoons light italian dressing): 254 calories; 15 g fat; 8 g saturated fat; 29 mg cholesterol; 14 g protein; 17 g carbohydrates; 5 g fiber; 209 mg sodium

  • [Type AB] Spelt Berry and Rice Salad
  • Serves 4 to 5
  • 1 cup cooked spelt berries
  • 1 to 2 cups cooked rice (any variety)
  • 1 cup sautéed maitake mushrooms
  • 3 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley
  • 3 tablespoons olive oil
  • Salt

Mix all the ingredients well.. Serve at room temperature. You may add garlic scallions, and other spices, as coriander and cumin powder. This dish should be kept in the refrigerator for up to 4 days.

nutrition info per serving (4 servings, using brown rice): 215.1 calories; 11.5 g fat; 1.6 g saturated fat; 0 mg cholesterol; 3.9 g protein; 29.5 g carbohydrates; 3.5 g fiber; 5.5 mg sodium

[Type O] Flank Steak

Serves 4 to 6

  • 2 tablespoons minced garlic
  • 2 tablespoons ground cumin
  • 1 tablespoon ground cayenne powder
  • 1 tablespoon ground coriander
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground cloves
  • 1/2 teaspoon red pepper flakes
  • 1 tablespoon salt
  • to 1 1/2-pound organic flank steak

Make a mixture from garlic, spices, and salt together, and rub this mixture over a container’s edge.

Grill the meat at medium heat for 8 to 10 minutes on both sides. After removing it from heat, wait for 5 minutes before cutting it.

It should be served along with steamed vegetables suitable for O-type as broccoli, sweet potatoes, chard, turnips, artichokes, collard greens or red onions

nutrition info per serving (4): 197.2 calories; 9.4 g fat; 3.7 g saturated fat; 56.7 mg cholesterol; 24 g protein; 3.6 g carbohydrates; 0.9 g fiber; 670 mg sodium.
