How often should you have sex according to your age (chart)


Do you have too much or too little $ex? The problem is that we have less time to spend some quality time with our partner, plus all the stress of modern times, and the fact how different we are only adds to that.

For some people having sexual intercourse twice a week is enough, while a for others that can be either too little or too much.

Research conducted at the Institute Kinsey revealed how often individuals have $ex, if we take into consideration their age, and here we show the results:

  • 18-29: On average 112 times a year;
  • 30-39 years: on average 86 times a year;
  • 40-49 years: on average 69 times a year.

Otherwise, 13 percent of married couples have $ex only a few times a year, 45 percent of them several times a month, 34 percent two to three times a week and 7 percent of them four or more times a week.

The website “Your Tango” then conducted its own survey among readers who are married, to find out the minimum, average and ideal number of $exual activities for one month.
  • Minimum: Once a month;
  • Average: Once a week;
  • Perfect: Three to five times a week.