How to Remove Pesticide from Your Produce


Unfortunately, we are living surrounded by dangerous chemicals and pesticides, and most of the fruits and veggies we consume are contaminated with them.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO):

“Pesticides are chemicals used in agriculture to protect crops against insects, fungi, weeds, and other pests. In addition to their use in agriculture, pesticides are also used to protect public health in controlling the vectors of tropical diseases, such as mosquitoes.

But pesticides are also potentially toxic to humans. They may induce adverse health effects including cancer, effects on reproduction, immune or nervous systems. Before they can be authorized for use, pesticides should be tested for all possible health effects and the results should be analyzed by experts to assess any risks to humans.”

Therefore, even though pesticides are added to foods with a goal to protect them, but their residue can seriously endanger our health.

In 2014, the US Department of Agriculture found that three-quarters of all the samples they analyzed were contaminated with pesticides.  This is the reason why all experts recommend consuming organic produce only.

The top offenders for heavy pesticide residue include grapes, spinach, cherry tomatoes, potatoes, strawberries, apples, snap peas, celery, sweet bell peppers, and nectarines.

On the other hand, there are also fruits and vegetables that ran low in terms of the presence of pesticide residue, the best of which is the amazing avocado, scoring a wonderful 1% of detection in its sample group. Moreover, you can freely enjoy mangoes, kiwis, eggplants, cabbage, onions, sweet corn, pineapples, yams, and papayas.

Yet, this does not mean that you should forget about your favorite foods. Actually, you can easily make your homemade veggie and fruit cleaner, that will eliminate any pesticide residue and make them safe to consume.

What’s more, you only need one ingredient- white vinegar.  All you have to do is to mix 90% water and 10% white vinegar in a large basin and leave the produce to soak in the solution for at least 20 minutes. Afterward, rinse them with cold water.

Since they are fragile and their skin is porous, you should soak blueberries less. The strange gunky residue that remains at the bottom of the basin in the end, is the pesticide residue hidden in the fruits and vegetables. 

In this way, you will get rid of 70% of the pesticide residue, as there will always remain some residue in the folds and crevices of the item.  Yet, you will get a safe and healthy food that can offer numerous benefits for your health, without causing any adverse effects.
