Best Teas According To Blood Groups


Tea is considered as one of the healthiest drinks and its impact depends on our blood type . Please follow the best combinations of herbs for each blood type .

Blood Group A
These are emotional and analytical people prone to stress .  So for people with blood type A:Taiwanese green tea also called Gunpowder, pure jasmine tea flower with the combination of jasmine and green tea Ying Hao, marigold and thyme  will work perfect.

Best Teas According To Blood Groups


Blood type B
People with blood type B have a slower metabolism , skolni toward autoimmune diseases , obesity , lethargy and anxiety . They need green tea , organic green rooibos or red without accessories to freshen and nakrenat body .

Blood type AB
These members are not intuitive and are prone to stress but have decreased libido . You should focus on specific types of mint green tea , peony , sandalwood and yellow tea . The mixture of green tea and mint is especially recommended for these people , also a mixture of nettles and mint will work good .

Blood type 0
People who have zero blood type should avoid milk and gluten . Although these good people cope with stress , often troubled by stomach acid . The teas are recommended for these people based on ginger. The ideal choice will be a mixture of ginger and pure Japanese green tea Sancho.