Anti-cellulite diet


All of us wish to have a magic pilule which will help us to remove the cellulite from our body. Instead of waiting for a miracle, we should use known facts to eliminate or at least reduce cellulite. One of the tools that we can use against cellulite is proper nutrition. But, just to clarify that the cellulite diet does not work overnight and  to have maximum effect  it should be combined with exercise and massage .

Anti Celulit

What should you consume?

Water. Each diet recommends drinking about 2 liters of water every day. Make sure you drink as much water, but do not forget that water is fed through the diet. If you are a fan of watermelon, apples, cucumbers, easier to get a daily dose of 2 liter , because they and many other fruits and vegetables are rich in water . It has been proven that women who bring more water through the fruit and vegetables are half thinner than women who entered the water only through liquid .

Foods rich in lecithin, amino acids, essential fatty acids, antioxidants. This food is great for improving health, elasticity and appearance of the skin.

Best Products:

Eggs, soy, cauliflower, peanut butter, spinach (lecithin)

Flaxseed, olive oil, nuts, oily fish (fatty acids)

Grapefruit, Orange ( antioxidants, polyphenols, amino acids)
Vitamin C .Vitamin C is associated with collagen synthesis. Collagen improves elasticity of the skin and makes cellulite less visibl . In addition, U.S. studies have confirmed that this vitamin helps burning 30 % more fat during exercise. Therefore, enter 75mg daily vitamin C. Besides vitamin C, enter enough vitamin A and vitamin E.

Fresh vegetables and fruits and fresh pressed juices. There is nothing better than eating fresh food. Do not buy frozen vegetables and avoid as much as possible any method of cooking.